If you wish more information: We are a small congregation with limited resources. But we wish to be as supportive and efficient as possible. Please be as specific as you can about the information you need or are curious about. We will do our best to put you in touch with the person who has the answers.

If you wish to give feedback or suggestions: We welcome your constructive feedback and suggestions about the website, about our monthly newsletter, or about Temple administration or activities, among others. You are welcome to tell us what we’re doing right or what we’re doing wrong. You can tell us if something’s “broken” on the website or neglected in The Kibbitzer. You can alert us to community activities that we may wish to advertise on the website, or suggest new fundraising opportunities. We now also have an official email address for such things, and we strongly encourage you to use it.

Telephone: 440.255.1544

The Temple phone is not staffed at regular hours. Please leave a message that includes your name, a call-back number or alternate contact information, and a brief message about your specific need or request.

US Mail
Temple Am Shalom
7599 Center St.
Mentor, OH 44060-6059

Temple Secretary: amshalommentor@gmail.com
Spiritual Leader: tasmentor@gmail.com

Email is likely the best way to get a timely response. Please be specific about your needs, requests, or feedback and your email will be forwarded to the person with the information you require or the one “in charge” of your feedback content.

Thank you for contacting Temple Am Shalom!